Jack de Vos - fine wood turner
about Jack
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Jack's work
gumnut series
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foliage series
sculptural pieces
seedpod series
bowls, platters
grasstree vessels
earlier vessels
the making of ... series
Sculptural Pieces

Tranquility (1997)
Turned and carved
Material: Jarrah
Size: 300mm x 200mm diameter

Note the difference in colour of this piece and the "Roots pieces lower down. The darker Jarrah comes from the hilly forest areas, whereas the paler Jarrah, as in this piece, comes from the more sandy coastal plain.
Embers (1999)
Turned and carved
Material: Jarrah, acrylic
Size: 300mm x 200mm diameter

And yes, Jarrah can also be rather plain, plus the blank for this piece was full of blemishes. Note the grain pattern coming through in the textured top.
Roots (1999)
Turned and carved
Material: Jarrah
Size: 300mm x 250mm diameter

As the stylised leaves in "Tranquillity" nature provided the inspiration for this piece.
Roots (1999)
Turned and carved
Material: Jarrah
Size: 300mm x 210mm diameter

The same design, yet the difference in dimensions gives the piece a different character.
Black Stump (2000)
Turned, carved, wire-brushed and ebonised
Material: Jarrah
Size: 300mm x 250mm diameter

This design came about accidentally, too much enthusiasm in carving meant some redesigning was needed.
Erosion (2001)
Turned and carved
Material: Jarrah
Size: 220mm x 130mm diameter

Here the design idea from the previous piece has been used. See also "Branching Out" on the Bowl and Platter page.
Tuxedo (1997)
Turned and carved
Material: Jarrah
Size: 290mm x 180mm diameter

Simular neck design as "Erosion" Note also how the design does not follow the grain but the black-fleck pattern.
Black Swan (2002)
Turned and carved
Material: Jarrah, acrylic
Size: 240mm x 160mm diameter

The black swan is Western Australia's state emblem. The swan's neck is created by the rim cutaway. Note also the very unusual grain pattern.
Candle In The Wind (2004)
Turned and carved
Material: Jarrah, paint and stain
Size: 350mm x 150mm diameter

Because of the long thin neck this piece was hollowed out through the bottom, when re-plugging extra care was taken to line up the grain.
Candle In The Wind detail
Whirlwind (2004)
Turned and carved
Material: Jarrah
Size: 350mm x 175mm diameter

Whilst making this piece a few disasters were encountered which demanded some redesigning. Hence the amount of dimpling, which on hindsight improved the piece.
Whirlwind detail
Inferno (2004)
Turned and carved
Material: Jarrah
Size: 350mm x 175mm diameter

As with the previous piece the inspiration is taken from nature. Movement in the piece is created by the spiralling of the "flames".
Inferno detail
Survivor (2005)
Turned and carved
Material: Sugar Gum
Size: 600mm x 210mm diameter

A flow-on design from the "Inferno".

See here for details on how it was made.
Good and Evil (2005)
Turned and carved
Material: Jarrah
Size: 250mm x 230mm diameter

Good = Gold, as in "Good as gold"
Evil = Satan =Black Serpent
Good and Evil detail
Honeycomb (2006)
Material: Lace Sheoak, Gold Paint
Size: 110mm x 120mm diameter

Honeycomb texturing has given this piece its name.
The texturing is started of with a medium size burr creating deep burr marks. These are followed by a small burr entering the previous marks at different angles and piercing through creating a honeycomb appearance.
Fontainebleau (2006)
Material: Jarrah, Copper Paint
Size: 180mm x 180mm diameter

Extra carving, giving a "wrapped around" look, has taken this piece a step further. Note the subtle use of copper paint gently highlighting the "honeycomb" texturing
Paua (2007)
Material: Jarrah, Paua Shell
Size: 200mm x 180mm diameter

Same "wrapped over" design as the previous piece.
This time Paua shell laminate was used for an inlay.
Bird of Paradise (2007)
Material: Jarrah, Gold Paint
Size: 300mm x 180mm diameter

No subtle step by step change this time.
A completely new design.
Still using the "honeycomb" texturing highlighted by the use of some goldpaint.
Wrapped (2006)
Material: Jarrah, Gold Paint
Size: 460mm x 150mm diameter

The long necked vase used as the canvas for some embellishment. Nothing new there, "honeycomb" texturing highlighted by the use of some goldpaint.
Hooked on Wood (2009)
Material: Sheoak
Size: 580m x 240mm

A challenging piece as it is hollow turned.
To achieve that it was turned in four sections, which were then joined. A full-scale plan helped decide on the position of the joints. Some torching hid the glue-lines.
Crazy Paving
Material: Blackbutt
Size: 240mm x 200mm diameter

last updated 23 Jun 2024
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