Jack de Vos - fine wood turner
about Jack
Jack's development
Jack's work
gumnut series
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foliage series
sculptural pieces
seedpod series
bowls, platters
grasstree vessels
earlier vessels
the making of ... series
Foliage Series
The name of the piece is the plant or tree which influenced the design.
Jarrah-Eucalyptus marginata
Material: Old Growth Jarrah
Size: 320mmx190mm diam
Epipremnum aureum
Material: Old Growth Jarrah
Size: 280mmx200mm diam
Philodendron friedrichsthalii
Material: Sheoak
Size: 400mmx160mm diam
Philodendron "Swiss Cheese"
Material: Coastal Jarrah
Size: 340mmx150mm diam
Monstera Deliciosa
Material: Sheoak
Size: 250mmx210mm diam
Ficus Benjamina
Material: Sheoak
Size: 260mmx150mm diam
Jarrah Leaves Bowl
Material: Jarrah
Size: 100mm x 310mm diam
Hedera helix
Material: Acacia
Size: 390mm x 135mm diam
This piece of Tasmanian Blackwood was seriously flawed.
You just have to flow with what the material dictates.
Jarrah Leaves Platter
Material: Jarrah
Size: 35mm x 540mm diam
Philodendron - Swiss Cheeze
Material: Jarrah
Size: 220mm x 180mm diam

last updated 28 Mar 2015
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