Jack de Vos - fine wood turner
about Jack
Jack's development
Jack's work
gumnut series
fire series
foliage series
sculptural pieces
seedpod series
bowls, platters
grasstree vessels
earlier vessels
the making of ... series
Jack was an artistic woodturner who lived in Western Australia.

He was well known for his fine turned vessels as well as his sculptural woodturning.

He preferred to use local wood such as Jarrah (Eucalyptus Marginata), Sheoak (Allocasuarina fraseriana) and Grasstree (Xanthorrhoeii Preissii).

This site shows some of his earlier work through to his more recent sculptural pieces.

The City of Armadale hosted a free exhibition titled Jack de Vos: Retrospective Exhibition at the History House Museum (Armadale, Western Australia) from 9 December 2017 to April 2018.
This exhibition is now closed.

Jack de Vos Retrospective Exhibition flyer
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